Sacral Energy Center


Please enjoy the affirmations that I have created below. Look at the images and say the affirmations to yourself at least a few times. Allow for the words to seep into your unconscious.




Please enjoy the prompt questions that I have created below. Use a paper & pen, your computer, or even a speak to text on your phone. Take 5 minutes to free write or talk the answers to these prompt questions. Give yourself the gentleness and time to write/speak openly from the heart. These prompt questions are just for you, do not allow fear or judgment to keep you from expressing yourself freely.

Prompt Questions



If you are interested in expanding your Esoteric knowledge you can follow my blogs Samshine Astrology, Samshine Gemstone, & Samshine Tarot. You can also learn more about my artwork at Samshine Art & Samshine Glass.

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Samshine Rainbow Energy

My thoughts, feelings, & methods of balancing my energy centers.

Samshine Glass

Artist - Casting & Lamp Work - Dichroic & Borosilicate Glass

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